

San Francisco, CA, USA


Community and Lifestyle · Information Technology · Real Estate


11-50 employees



founded in


Discover the power of LiquidSpace, the largest global marketplace of flexible office space, offering access to over 13,000 workspace locations from leading coworking brands. Optimize your portfolio with industry-leading market intelligence. Dive into the most comprehensive dataset of benchmarks and overlay your utilization data with our proprietary insights to make data-driven decisions that drive your business forward. LiquidSpace simplifies workplace management, allowing you to effortlessly set up and manage HQs, office hubs, and on-demand office space. You can tailor workspace access, control budgets, and track usage, all conveniently centralized in one intuitive platform. Our platform goes beyond simply optimizing portfolios—it motivates in-person team collaboration with tools to simplify team gathering. We empower your team to come together to work where they're most productive, creating a happier, more connected workforce.

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